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Movie Reviews and Pop Culture Commentary

My WIP is still in progress.

I’m currently trudging through a part that, while a difficult nut to crack, I believe it’s going to turn out really well. At the same time, I suspect that it could also be a bit of a too-long and unnecessary digression. But then I think—and yes, it’s a bit Cart Before Horse—that what with the state of Trad Publishing now, and how it’s probably not going to get any better any time soon, maybe I will end up just Self-Publishing the book in the end, and if that’s the case… as long as I can honestly say that it’s important to the story, and that it works, then who fucking cares?

Problems for another day, I suppose.

In the meantime, I think I’m going to start adding the movie reviews and pop culture commentaries that I’ve been putting on my Instagram. It’ll add some content, and also I’m never really sure how much longer I’m going to maintain a lot of my Social Media. As the World gets worse, and the harsh reality of who people really are gets more and more difficult to ignore, I often find myself wondering why I even bother maintaining most of those connections at this point, especially with people I don’t even really talk to anymore.

So, maybe I’ll dump all of that shit. But if I do, I’d still like to keep those reviews, so look for them in the coming days and weeks.

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