Mutant Ghost Wargirl
Impressively stupid

“This is the best of times, and the worst of times,” begins the film Mutant Ghost Wargirl.
“Oooo,” I say to my sleeping cat, “literary.”
Imagine my surprise when Mutant Ghost Wargirl turned out to be 73 minutes of complete nonsense.
This film was like if Akira and Ghost in the Shell had a big dumb baby, who only wrote fanfic of the anime film Spriggan from 1998. It’s like the Korean version of the tv show Mutant X. It was like I was watching entire seasons of Cleopatra 2525, but all condensed down into a single jibberjabber-filled “movie.”
Is this film based on an existing manga?
“An agent must infiltrate a mysterious hospital that conducts genetic research to create mutant criminals,” says the film’s synopsis.
“Oh,” I say, mildly surprised, “is that what it was about?”
Silly, dumb, intent on redefining the phrase “meaningless fetishism,” and all done with really ugly CGI everything, Mutant Ghost Wargirl is the kind of thing that feels like it’d be absolutely incomprehensible even if I spoke the language, but hey, at least some of the superpower ideas were cool.
Still, you should pass on this one.