Project Wolf Hunting
A bloody patchwork of ideas

After a vengence-driven suicide bomber takes out a group of criminals at the airport as they were being extradited from the Philippines to South Korea, officials decide that the next group should be transported by sea, hidden within a cargo ship. Despite the secrecy, the precautions, and the heavily armed guards, the convicts stage a bloody and brutal breakout mid-voyage. Unfortunately, during the attempt, the guards, the convicts, and the sailors discover that the cargo ship carries another secret far below decks, a much darker and much more monstrous secret…
And now it’s awake...
Part Die Hard, part Con Air, part Friday the 13th, part Last Voyage of the Demeter, part so many other things, Project Wolf Hunting is basically just Deep Rising meets Universal Soldier, with a dash of Predator thrown in for funsies. Unlike the recently reviewed The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster, this film isn’t so much a riff on the story of Frankenstein’s Monster, as it is just an actual Frankenstein’s Monster… at least, as far as the script is concerned.
Which isn’t all that bad a thing to be.
The film has got a ton of interesting ideas mixed in with a massive amount of mayhem, but it’s so loaded with big ideas, many of which are left open-ended, that the film ends up seeming more like a prequel than an actual stand-alone story. Obviously, these dangling plot threads were purposefully left as a set up for the sequels, possibly even aiming for a franchise, but still… that prologue-feel mostly just keeps the story at arm’s length.
That having been said, I don’t think that’s something that’s going to bother most of the folks who seek this film out. No one is tuning in to Project Wolf Hunting for the character explorations or the clever plot twists, right? People are here for the kung fu and the blood and the explosions, and boy howdy, do they get buckets of both. Buckets and buckets of both.
So, as far as that kind of thing goes… it’s totally worth it.