The 225th Post

A new age is dawning…

The 225th Post

Five months and 225 posts later…

Just a quick update, as the last of the old reviews and commentaries that I had previously posted on my Instagram have now all been transferred over here, which means, as I mentioned in my 100th Post and in my 200th Post, things will slow down around a little. Gone now are the days of the triple posts in one day, which is probably a relief to my now thirty (30!) subscribers’ inboxes.

From this point forward, it’ll probably be more like one new post every couple of days. Of course, that having been said, I do plan on watching a bunch of films this weekend, so it may not seem like things are slowing down at first. I’m still catching up on all of the Oscar films before the big stupid night happens too. Plus, I plan on figuring out my own Top… Twenty, maybe… films of 2023, as well.

There’s still a few short stories in the pipeline too, four at least. Although, there may be a couple more after that, depending on time and inspiration, of course, as I’ve been digging through my old Story Starter file, and I gotta tell ya… there’s a couple of good prompts in there that I had forgotten about, so…

We’ll see.

I’ve also started polishing up my Work-In-Progress (WIP) again. This is good news for me personally, as the process of starting from the beginning, re-reading and tweaking and streamlining the stuff that’s already down, catching up to where I last left off, is how I ramp back up to a place where I’ll be ready to put down new stuff again. I’ve got a bunch of notes for what lies ahead too, so I’m excited to start working on it for real again. Fingers crossed for a full First Draft by the end of the year!

So, yeah, moving forward… sometimes there’ll be a new post every couple of days, and sometimes there might be a new post every single day.

Just FYI.

Otherwise, feel free to subscribe, and stay current. Why not? It’s free. Don’t cost nothing, not unless you want to throw some money this way, which I appreciate. And, while I’m not saying that I like the paid subscribers better, that they just seem like an all-around cooler, better looking, more sophisticated, and much more insightful group in general… I’m also not not saying that. I don’t know if that implication is the kind of thing that might rouse you from a fitful sleep, forcing you bolt upright from the tangle of your sweat-sodden sheets, alone, wild-eyed and gasping in your darkened room in the middle of the night, but if it does, I might have the cure for what ails you…

Just saying…

Anyway, back to it. Talk to you soon.
